Web Development
instance is a young team of digital strategists, designers and developers with over 20 years of combined expertise in the design and build of websites, web applications and mobile apps. A full service agency, we help guide your project from its inception through to execution. Through meaningful and targeted strategy along with data driven and results orientated production, we ensure your brand, product or service reaches its full potential.

Strategy, Design & Development
Instance offers a full range of solutions for your digital product or service, from strategy, to design and executed through development. We believe in the right tools for the right job and will never be tied to any one systems or CMS. While we specialise in WordPress for websites due to its fantastic Admin UI, we build handmade custom solutions for your project and avoid use of unnecessary plugins or page builders.
Similarly with our choice of e-commerce CMS, we love Shopify for its brilliant stock management and checkout offerings, along with POS for full coverage. We play to the strengths of what tools are on offer and use our knowledge to empower them.
Often times we leverage libraries such as ReactJS, Vue or Angular to make web applications, whatever is best for your individual use case. No one size fits all and every project has its own challenges, with our 20+ years in digital design and development we’re confident in our ability to realise the solutions to fit your project accurately and effectively.

Our team of experienced designers will work closely with your brand, understand the audience and find the best design strategy for you. We apply a design methodology involving journey mapping and UX to gain important insights for exceptional customer experiences.
From concept to actualisation, our streamlined process provides tailored solutions to represent your product effectively.
We have the resources to handle your product photography, content entry and migration, as well as marketing strategy and social media integration. Including POS integration, we have you covered across your entire e-commerce ecosystem

Events & Live Streaming
If 2020 showed us anything in the digital space it was the value of high quality video communication. Our agile team of designers and developers built new systems and an event platform to handle even the largest of online live events.
Now catering to brands such as The Iconic, we have the expertise and experience for multiple concurrent streams, live Q&A from in person and online audiences, all while protected by our security focused approach.
Coupled with our e-commerce solutions we can take care of your ticket sales as well, creating a seamless and singular system for your event or production company.

Marketing & SEO
Even a perfect website can’t be successful if nobody knows about it. We offer full coverage SEO (Technical, Analytics, Content Writing) campaigns to ensure your website is being recognised. Together with Social Media Marketing, we will expose your digital product or service to a wider range of users, focusing on key performance indicators and conversions, with month to month reporting to inform both you and the campaign itself.
From the technical details for great result display in Google and Bing to long form content writing in multiple languages, to thorough networking and backlinking strategy, we can push your website from the relative unknown to in many cases the front page of most search engines.

Analytics, Conversions, Optimisation
Knowing how people are using your website and coming up with strategies to optimise it is key to any digital product’s success. Analytics and custom reporting is just the start, actioning that data into key deliverables is where the magic happens.
We can construct variable A/B tests to test which strategy delivers the best results for your website. By recording key data points and then building strategic campaigns to run these experiments, we can transform your website in a conversion and lead generating machine.

Pagespeed Optimisation
A slow website is the fastest way to drive users away from your website. Instance builds all its digital products with performance in mind, ensuring strong Google Pagespeed Insight scores for the best User Experience best chance at a great SEO ranking.
If you have an existing website that is suffering from poor performance problems, we can leverage our expertise to audit your website and make the necessary improvements on both Desktop and Mobile.

What happens after launch?
The initial build is just the beginning.
We believe in building a relationship with our clients for the long term, breathing continuous life into the project and pushing it to be the best value for your business. We offer a range of Service Level Agreements to cater to the maintenance and updates of your website, including Security, Updates, Maintenance and Monitoring, as well as reserved hours for production each month.
We will also handle all your Hosting requirements, including use of Content Delivery Networks to ensure your project loads quickly and is effective no matter where you users may browse from.
A personal touch no matter the size of your company
We believe our personal touch and commitment to a working partnership sets us apart. Big or small, we cater to all types of businesses and are always looking for like minded professionals to collaborate with.
Leave your email with us and we will get back to you soon to discuss your project. We will provide you with an estimated cost, breakdown of services, and a roadmap of how we will bring your idea to life.
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