Design Thinkers Academy
- Analytics,
- Marketing,
- SEO,
- Strategy,
- Web Development,
Design Thinkers Academy
- Analytics,
- Marketing,
- SEO,
- Strategy,
- Web Development,
11 hubs representing 25 countries, 3 different languages, maintained by 10 different administrators from – The DesignThinkers Academy network is a series of subsites in a network providing each administrator with access to their own section of the overall website. Admins have the ability to build their own features, adjust design elements and personalise their pages. We built a custom calendar plugin for admins to easily build courses, control calendar displays and feature courses from other hubs, as well as a custom banner builder and signup procedure. We utilise a Content Delivery Network and Object Caching to provide a fast browsing experience to all hubs across the globe, ensuring all participants have a great user experience when accessing course descriptions and materials.

Custom theme development, Data management and syncronisation, SEO Strategy, Analytics, Pagespeed Optimisation